课程设置Courses 中学部初中阶段在全面完成国家规定的九年义务教育课程的基础上,经教育主管部门同意,英语课程采用英国朗文出版社的国际英文原版教材,口语全外籍教师授课,打造浸泡式英语课堂环境,以达到巩固与强化学生英语能力,顺利衔接高中剑桥国际(A-Level)与国际雅思(IELTS)全部课程的目的。 Apart from completing the courses of national nine-year compulsory education, our junior forms also use the original international English textbooks published by Pearson Education and employ qualified foreign teachers for oral English. We aim to create an immersive English learning environment and consolidate students’ English competence so that their language proficiency can reach up to the standard of Cambridge International courses (A-level) and IELTS courses in senior secondary session. 【初中课程】Junior CoursesF.1课程F1 Courses: 语文、英语、数学、口语、思品、历史、地理、生物、电脑、体育、美术、音乐Chinese, English, Mathematics, Oral English, Moral education, History, Geography, Biology, Computer, PE, Art, Music F.2课程F2 Courses: 语文、英语、数学、物理、口语、思品、历史、地理、生物、电脑、体育、美术、音乐 Chinese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Oral English, Moral education, History, Geography, Biology, Computer, PE, Art, Music F.3课程F3 Courses: 国际班:语文、英口语、英阅读写作、英文法、数学、物理、化学、电脑、美术、体育、音乐 International class: Chinese, Oral English, English reading and writing, English Grammar, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer, Art, PE, Music 中考班:语文、英语、数学、思品、物理、化学、体育 Zhongkao class: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Moral education, Physics, Chemistry, PE 【高中国际课程】Senior Courses剑桥国际(A-Level)商科班Cambridge international business class (A-level): A-Level数学、A-Level商业、A-Level经济、英语阅读、英语写作、英语口语、英语听力、中国语文、电脑、体育 Level Mathematics, A-Level Business, A-Level Economics, English Reading, English Writing, Oral English, English Listening, Chinese, Computer, PE 剑桥国际(A-Level)理科班Cambridge international science class (A-level): A-Level数学、A-Level物理、A-Level化学、英语阅读、英语写作、英语口语、英语听力、中国语文、电脑、体育 A-Level Mathematics, A-Level Physics, A-Level Chemistry, English Reading, English Writing, Oral English, English Listening, Chinese, Computer, PE. 剑桥国际A-level即General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (普通教育高级证书),是英国的中学教育课程,也是英国学生进入大学前的测试课程。它是高中阶段世界声誉最高的两大课程体系之一,从而被称为通往全球顶尖大学的“金牌课程”,例如哈佛大学、剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、多伦多大学等。目前学校结合该项考试内容分别开设数学、商业、经济、物理、化学等课程。 As one of the most prestigious secondary curricula worldwide, Cambridge International A level program is being regarded as the key to admission to the world’s major English-Speaking universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford etc. At present, according to the contents and requirements of the examination, CHES has offered relevant international courses, such as mathematics, business, economics, physics, chemistry, etc.国际雅思(IELTS)商科班:数学、商业、经济、英语阅读、英语写作、英语口语、英语听力、中国语文、电脑、体育 International business class (IELTS): Mathematics, Business, Economics, English reading, English writing, Oral English, English listening, Chinese, Computer, PE IELTS(International English Language Testing System) 国际英语测试制度(简称雅思考试),是在世界上100多个国家举行的一种国际性英文测试,为非英语国家学生赴英国或其他英联邦国家移民、或高等教育机构就读进修必须通过的语言测试。英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等国及香港地区的所有大学均认可IELTS考试。学校紧密结合IELTS考试听力,阅读、写作及口语四部分开设相应英语课程。 IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a necessary language test for students from non-English speaking countries to study in the UK and other commonwealth nations. IELTS grade is accepted and valued by most universities all over the world, including the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc. CHES has set up English courses of listening, speaking, reading and writing, which is closely connected with IELTS.【高中联考课程】Senior Liankao Courses
Arts: Chinese, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Computer, PE. Only students from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign countries can register in Liankao class.Ⅱ、高一、高二采用国内高中教材,并加强英语教学,高三则按照全国联考的考试大纲进行教学,毕业后参加全国联考。 For form four and five students, CHES use domestic textbooks as the main teaching materials and enhance English learning. For Form six students, courses are delivered on the basis of national examination syllabus. All the Form six students need to take the Joint Examination of Jinan-Huaqiao University J after graduation. 【其他课程】Other Courses HSK培训班: 按汉语言考级大纲要求进行辅导。(外籍学生凭HSK成绩免试入读国内大学) HSK program: Lessons are delivered according to the guidance of Chinese language examination. (foreign students can get admitted to domestic universities without entrance examination if they have HSK grade) |